Things you need to know before launching a blog

Things you need to know before launching a blog and what I wish I knew before I started blogging! I have been blogging for around three years. However, it feels like only last few months I realised how it works and my blog’s mission. Many things would have made my blogging experience easier if I knew some of these tips.

However, I still want to remind you that experience comes with practice. No theory can replace practice. Practice will make it perfect, improve your quality, and you will learn through mistakes. Therefore, do not be hard on yourself if you are still struggling because I can promise you, even professional bloggers struggle and question themselves.

Things you need to know before launching a blog

With that being said, I still hope that my blogging tips will help you write your blog. In your attention, what I wish I knew before I started blogging!

DISCLAIMER: Blog probably includes affiliate links


Things you need to know before launching a blog

I feel like I took my blog seriously, but I now understand that I did not! If you want your blog to turn into a full-time job one day, you must act like it! Look at your blog like a substantial international business. Give yourself due dates, be strict with your plan and be serious! Learn and improve every day! 

Buy a domain from the beginning

Are blogs a waste of time?

I bought the domain only a year ago, and that brought a lot of problems. Firstly, I needed to move all my blog posts, I lost some engagement, and it was just a headache! It seemed like starting a blog all over again, slightly more complicated! 

Secondly, I lost two years of having my domain that would have brought me somewhere. The reason behind this is that your domain gives you more opportunities. It lets you monetise the blog quickly, brands take you more seriously, and search engines give it a higher ranking.

Therefore, if you are not sure if you will like blogging and want it to be a serious thing you have. I would suggest you give yourself three months to use free blog versions and see where it goes! However, if you are already sure you want to blog, you love writing, and want to turn it into your job, then buy a domain right away! 

Find niche and mission (goal)

Do people read blogs anymore?

Everyone says to find a niche, and I knew that a long time ago. However, I always knew I could not be just a small niche because I love so many things! At the same time, it took me a long time to realise that fashion is something I have loved since I was little! Therefore, I now write mostly about fashion (petite fashion specifically as I am a Petite and it is such a new niche). Even though my blog is not precisely niche-oriented, I have a goal! 

I see where the world is going, women, respecting themselves less and not appreciating their female side. Therefore, with my blog and fashion, I motivate and inspire women to be classy, respect themselves, learn to be independent, and follow their dreams! 

Find your mission! How can you help people; what do people need; what are your strong and weak points; what do you like to do? 

System and drafts

Do personal blogs make money?

When I started my blog, it all seems the beginning, which is true. However, as I said before- act like it is already your business! That means making the system and organising everything. You are your accountant as well! Make Excel sheets with blog posts that you write, collaborations, and brands you had. Save updrafts of your blog posts and pictures you use on an external drive. 

 Saving up everything you do and interacting with will help you a lot in the future. I started to save up and make a system a long time after, making everything harder! 

Plans and scheduling 

How do I make my blog 2021?

When you have a business, everything comes down to planning and scheduling! Create a content calendar for the upcoming year. That means creating a general plan of your blog posts, trends, festive, and marketing plans. Each week make a plan for the next week. 

The most important part of a successful blog is consistency! To be sure, you are always consistent means scheduling and planning your blog posts ahead of time! I always try to be on the week early! That helps you be consistent, and in case of emergency, you know that you already have blog posts scheduled for a week ahead! 

Trendsetters for your niche

How do you start a blog for free?

I used to write blog posts about whatever comes to my mind! As I write about fashion, I make sure that I start the year of blog posts about trends this year. Next, I write Valentine’s day outfit ideas and so on! I still write about topics I want to, but I also pay attention to seasons and issues people are searching for online! It is essential to remember if you want more people to read and find your blog. 

Social Media is not a priority

Is it good idea to start blog in 2021?

Social Media is not a priority, period! If you are a real blogger, not just an influencer chick showing off her cheeky clothing, then social media is not a priority! Social media helps to bring out the word about your new blog post; it allows people to know you in the deeper lever and connect with you more comfortably. However, do not spend hours on social media and excuse that it helps your business. In a long time, you are going to realise that it does not! Give yourself around 30-60min. Every day for social media but the rest of your time, grow your blog! Social media comes and goes, algorithms change every day, but the blog stays and is yours! 

Interact with your audience 

top blogging advice from professional bloggers. What I wish I knew before I started blogging

Show your audience and followers that you care about them! Interact with your audience, respond to their comments, talk with them through stories and create polls asking questions! It is vital to develop a bond with your followers and see them as your buddies, rather than just “customers” or numbers! The audience is your gem; it is what brings you up and gives you worth! Treat your audience right! 

A sponsored post balance 

What I learned about blogs? What I wish I knew before I started blogging

When you start blogging, you will want to have all collaborations possible for so many reasons. Firstly, you will want to feel validated by brands. Secondly, their gifted products or money will help you with content, and thirdly, you will get addicted to it. However, be careful and professional! 

Always be honest with your reviews and feedback and only work with brands that are okay with sharing your honest opinion. 

Then, be sure that you do not have many sponsored posts in a row. You do not want your blog to look like an ad banner. 

Spam brands

What I want to know about blogging? What I wish I knew before I started blogging

Things you need to know before launching a blog? Be careful of spam brands! Firstly, if they ask you to pay for anything, then you are the customer. You should not pay even a cent for your services! 

 Say “No”

What I wish I knew before I started blogging? What I wish I knew before I started blogging

With your business, you will need to make choices and learn to say no. If you are only a fashion blogger and the brand offers you to showcase pet food, you should tell them no. Act like a professional and learn to say no! With time, when you grow your audience and recognition, you will need to know to value yourself and ask more as well! 

It is a 24/7 job

What to know when starting blog? What I wish I knew before I started blogging

Blogging is a job 24 hours a week! Your mind never rests; it always generates ideas; you are still going to check your analytics. The best thing to do is schedule your days, and give yourself working hours and hours to rest. Every week make one day that you spend doing hobbies, cleaning the house, having walks and everything else than a job! 

Also, remember, no one gives you vacations. Therefore, give yourself some! I always have holidays in August, and then this year, I took my first January vacation. It feels so good, and later one I return with more energy and ideas for my business. 

That is it for What I wish I knew before I started blogging! Which of these tips were the most helpful for you? Do you have a blog? Share in the comments down below. 

Want to learn more about blogging and business? Follow my blog and read the BUSINESS section here.

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